Elena Damiani @ La Galleria Nazionale D’arte Moderna E Contemporanea

© Copyright, 2019, La Galleria Nazionale

The Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea launches its new season of exhibitions with Joint is Out of Time, a new grafting which redefines the current staging of the collections, renewing them with the works of seven contemporary artists of international provenance. In October 2016, the opening of the exhibition Time Is Out of Joint, which brought the far-reaching process of transformation, reorganization, and the new installation of the museum’s collections to its conclusion, marked the start of a new chapter in the history of the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea directed by Cristiana Collu. 

The exhibition, which is still open to the public, has been the subject, over the course of time, of a certain number of changes – variants, additions, and replacements of works – which, by discreetly modifying the morphology of the event, has brought to light a project conceived from the very outset to be continually modulated. As we await the release of the publication devoted to Time Is Out of Joint which sanctions après coup the fruitful work carried out to transform Museum space and collection that was the subject of the eponymous event a new project, entitled Joint Is Out of Time, curated by Saretto Cincinelli and Bettina Della Casa, restarts the game, so to speak.

The aim of this new project is that of creating in what has already been created, a legible ‘exhibition’ that is a sort of a variation while the first event is still underway; a second event, that is, capable of making a place for itself within a context, of causing it to ‘resound’ by adding diverse and complementary nuances and tonalities. Hence, a unique exhibition format, whose value is paradoxically based on how it merges with the exhibition hosting it.


The complex operation that relates Time Is Out of Joint with Joint Is Out of Time, explicitly underscored by the inversion of the terms expressed in the title, tends – by way of a sort of double bind – to instill a disjointed relationship between two projects that act as two independent yet inseparable moments in a single process: two simultaneous moments in an operation which aim is to bring out, at the same time, the precious heritage preserved by the Galleria’s prestigious collection on the one hand, and the deep incidence of the memory of art history that gives life to the new works exhibited, on the other.

Elena Damiani (Lima, 1979. Currently lives in Lima)
The Peruvian artist transforms found material into collages, sculptures,
videos, and installations. Geology, archaeology, and cartography are the fields that Elena Damiani draws from in order to interpret scientific documents relative to the composition, evolution, and history of the Earth. The artist uses various means to explore natural events and their generative processes. She comes to terms with found material characterized by a narrative component, such as books, photographs, videos, and public records. Her research wavers between what is found and what is built, between the factual and the invented, between the personal and the collective.

Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
 Viale delle Belle Arti, 131 – 00197 Rome

Exhibition Dates
22nd January – 2nd June 2019
Opening hours from Tuesday to Sunday: 8.30 a.m – 7.30 p.m

28 January 2019
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