Ismaïl Bahri | Record of the Invisible [Chroniques de l'invisible] | Group Show at CENTRE D’ART CONTEMPORAIN. SAINT-NAZAIRE |Curated by Guillaume Désanges


Ismaïl Bahri, Ignasi Aballí, Eva Barto, Edith Dekyndt, Lois Weinberger
Curated by Guillaume Désanges  in collaboration with Coline Davenne
Exhibition dates : 10 October 2020 - 3 January 2021


"The final part of the Généalogies fictives [Fictional Genealogies] cycle curated by Guillaume Désanges at Le Grand Café since 2018, Chroniques de l’invisible [Record of the Invisible], is an exhibition playing upon the relationships between visibility and invisibility, proximity and distance, ‘here’ and ‘elsewhere’. The project began with a proposal to five artists to imagine artistic interventions outside of Le Grand Café, for public or private spaces in and around Saint-Nazaire. These deliberately unpublicised gestures were left ‘outside’ and the exhibition at Le Grand Café retains just their traces or their deformed echoes. Together they make up an autonomous exhibition that is formally and sensually independent from the original protocol. The project works with the town’s history and geography, like the two precedent stages in the cycle, but this time in a ghostly register of rumour, the clandestine and the figuration of an elsewhere."


To Know more about the exhibition please visit this link 

16 October 2020
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