Elena Damiani, Essays on the solid, Exhibition at MAC Lima

© Copyright, 2022, MAC Lima

(...)In different media, mainly through sculpture, Elena Damiani (Lima, 1979) interprets images and materials associated with archaeology, geology and cartography to confront the discourses and assumptions of scientific truth (supposedly immovable and eternal) and proposes alternative forms of contemplation and analysis of geography and nature. In the set of unpublished sculptures assembled for this exhibition, she presents a careful selection of granites, marbles, and travertines as material that contains the information of ancient times and perhaps the clues to surmise future times. Science uses tools that record measurements and confirm objective data. However, the artist — with the support of a specialised work team — makes devices with the same mineral matter in such a way that in them and through them, we recognise flows, accidents, random events and, in general, multiple energies in action that gave it its appearance and existence (...)"

Excerpt from the text by the curator Nicolás Gómez Echeverri

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15 June 2022
of 102