Nidhal Chamekh, ÉTINCELLES / SCINTILLE, Annual Fellows exhibition at Villa Medici curated by Saverio Verini

© Copyright, 2022, the French Academy in Rome – Villa Medici

"The project that Nidhal Chamekh is working on at Villa Medici is entitled “Et si Carthage n’avait pas été détruite?” (And what if Carthage hadn’t been destroyed?). The idea is to take Édouard Glissant’s question literally and open up its historical, artistic and symbolic potential, focusing on the survival of relationships between Rome and North Africa and their historical resonance in the present day in terms of migrant “crises” and geopolitical tensions.
His artistic project seeks to introduce Rome’s archaeological heritage and the marginalised cultural production of the City’s exiles, in a process of montage in which present and past are jointly defined."

Please learn more about the exhibition by clicking here.

16 June 2022
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